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HOME / Gry / Warm Human - A Visit From The Orgasm Fairy
Warm Human - A Visit From The Orgasm Fairy
Kod produktu : E35238
Kod kreskowy : 811104030974
Manifest your best life with these little super power objects! These make a fun gift for yourself, your sweetheart or a friend! Put them in a greeting card, or inside a gift. On the back of every manifest card there are simple instructions about how to manifest: Printed on the back: FITS IN GREETING CARDS OR GIFTS + PUT IT ON YOUR VISION BOARD Perfect for yourself or a friend. Leave the Power Object in the bag or remove it and put it in a dish or on a chain to wear or carry with you. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths. 2. Visualize what you want the universe to bring you and exactly how it will make you FEEL when it’s here…really feel it. 3. Ask the universe to bring your wish and say Thank You.” 4. Tuck this magical package into your purse, pocket, bag, glove compartment, or put in on your mirror, vision board or alter. 5. Now let it go, forget it, and let the universe do its job. Keep your eyes and your mind open…good things are on the way!



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